IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » nursing » Policies & Procedures » Undergraduate Policies » Alternative Course Credit in the BSN Program

Policies & Procedures

Undergraduate Policies
Alternative Course Credit in the BSN Program

This policy applies to core campus undergraduate nursing students who wish to seek equivalency related to nursing courses in order to award course credit and/or exemption for undergraduate nursing courses, with the exception of the capstone course in the BSN. This policy does not apply for students seeking credit for graduate level nursing courses.

Course Equivalency

This policy applies to nursing students who wish to seek equivalency related to nursing courses in order to award course credit and/or exemption for undergraduate nursing courses, with the exception of the capstone course in the BSN. This policy does not apply for students seeking credit for graduate level nursing courses.

  • Undergraduate nursing students may submit the syllabus/syllabi from a prior nursing course to determine equivalency for a course in the student’s plan of study for a BSN degree.

  • The course must have been passed with a “C” or better, as documented by transcript.
  • The course must be eligible for course credit as determined by campus administration.
  • Graduate level courses may be submitted for credit for undergraduate credit equivalency, but if accepted for undergraduate credit, are not later eligible for consideration toward a graduate degree at IUSON.
  • The course will be subjected to a review process, and only courses (or combinations of courses) that demonstrate achievement of at least 75% of the learning outcomes/objectives for the course will be eligible for equivalency.
  • The request for equivalency review must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the time when the student would begin the course, according to the student’s plan of study.
  • The student will receive blinded written feedback regarding the outcome of the review, and written feedback and outcome of the review will be posted to the student record. There is no appeal process for the course equivalency request.
  1. The student interested in course equivalency meets with an undergraduate advisor to discuss the procedure and course/s to review. The advisor verifies that the course/s were completed with transferrable credit at a “C” level or above. Indiana University policy that may govern equivalency takes precedence over school level procedure. The advisor and student initiate the form (Part 1), which is sent to the office of relevant academic program administrator.
  2. The administrator oversees that the current course learning objectives/competencies for the course to which equivalency is being sought is added to the form, Part 1. The administrator assigns an appropriate reviewer, and communicates with relevant persons to achieve the review in a timely manner (see the form, Part 2). At the discretion of the administrator, a second reviewer may also serve. Part time faculty do not serve as reviewers without departmental approval. The administrator may also serve as the reviewer as necessary.
  3. The course materials and Part 1 of the form are reviewed as assigned.
  4. The reviewer completes the relevant fields of the form.
  5. The administrator approves or denies the equivalency request, and ensures blind communication to the student, placement of Part 1 of the form in the student record, cc’d to the student and advisor; and Part 2 of the form in the office for tracking purposes.
  6. The advisor makes any needed changes related to the student plan of study and saves the record of the request in the student record.
  7. There is no appeal process for the equivalency procedure. There is no partial or provisional credit awarded.

Please refer to School of Nursing Policy AFS-19

Last updated April 2022 


Students may validate prior learning (academic work, or professional experience) by preparing a portfolio to demonstrate acquisition of content and skills commensurate with outcomes/competencies/ objectives or specific course(s). Students may also submit course syllabi and transcripts for course equivalency. The student must demonstrate satisfactory academic standing.

  1. Student meets with academic advisor to review portfolio process, criteria needed to portfolio, and deadline dates (two semesters before the course is offered).
  2. Student meets with instructor for a brief review of the student’s work/experiences/previous courses.
  3. If faculty agrees there is potential to portfolio, student sees advisor and registers for Z480.
  4. Academic advisor notifies instructor of student registration for Z480.
  5. Student gathers evidence for the portfolio following the IUSON guidelines, and sends the portfolio to the instructor by a specific time/date.
  6. Instructor reviews the material, notifies the student and completes the Portfolio Review Form. It is sent to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs (or appropriate administrative designee) for a signature. Dean’s office sends approved portfolio to academic advisor to initiate“special credit”.
  7. If all course requirements are complete, the academic advisor applies for “special credit”.
  8. If Special Credit is approved with minor changes, the student is to register for the course or for Independent Study and complete faculty expected course outcomes/objectives:
    1. Instructor informs student of the activities needed for portfolio (see attached “SpecialRequirements” form).
    2. Faculty signs this form upon the completion of the needed items and returns the formto the academic advisor. 
    3. Academic advisor sends the Special Credit form to the Registrar. 
  9. If Special Credit is denied the student meets with the academic advisor and registers for the required course.

Please refer to School of Nursing Policy AFS-20

Last updated April 2022